Publikationen Manuela Richter

Richter, M., König, C. J., Brausch, C., & Gaszka, J. (2024). Exhaustion and job satisfaction among internal and external outplacement counsellors. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 52(3), 472-482. 

König, C. J., Richter, M., & Isak, I. (2022). Exit interviews as a tool to reduce parting employees’ tendency to complain about their former employer and to ensure residual commitment. Management Research Review, 45(3), 381-397. (PDF)

Richter, M., König, C. J., & Etzl, D. (2020). Outplacement counsellors: Examining their work values, personality traits, and career success. European Journal of Counselling Psychology, 9(1), 17-28.

Richter, M., König, C. J., Geiger, M., Schieren, S., Göhlich, J., Lothschütz, J, & Zobel, Y (2018). ”Just a little respect”: Effects of a layoff agent’s actions and organizational support on employees’ reactions to a dismissal notification meeting. Journal of Business Ethics, 153, 741-761. doi:10.1007/s10551-016-3372-7

Richter, M., & König, C. J. (2017). Explaining individuals’ justification of layoffs. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47, 331-346. doi:10.1111/jasp.12442

Richter, M., König, C. J., Koppermann, C., & Schilling, M. (2016). Displaying fairness while delivering bad news: Testing the effectiveness of organizational bad news training in the layoff context. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101, 779-792. doi:10.1037/apl0000087 (preprint)

Richter, M., & König, C. J. (2015). Das Überbringen einer Trennungsbotschaft aus Sicht der Forschung. In L. Andrzejewski & H. Refisch (Hrsg.), Trennungs-Kultur und Mitarbeiterbindung (4. Auflage, S. 150-153). Köln: Luchterhand.