Khalid, Raja Rehan; Minhas, Daud Mustafa, Frey, Georg "SoMAS Based Cooperative Control for Cyber Physical Energy Systems". The 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST 2018), Seville, Spain, 2018.


This paper discuss new consumers termed as ”Prosumers” visualized as Cyber Physical Energy systems (CPES). These CPES require being agile smart autonomous energy entities possessing capability to be interconnected at Local Power Distribution (LPD) level to share renewable energy. This build concept of Internet of Energy (IoE), forming bottom up decentralized model for energy network. In order to coordinate these CPES to share energy at LPD level, distributed smart cooperative control mechanism based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Multi Agent System (MAS) termed SoMAS is proposed in this paper. This mechanism include smart energy sharing scheme for cooperation and coordination to manage energy sharing among interconnected CPES. Simulation setup for proposed mechanism is also presented in paper.


Cyber Physical Energy Systems, Energy Sharing, Multi-Agent Systems, Service Oriented Architectures, Renewable Energy, Internet of Energy