Khlifi, Oussama; Siegwart, Christian; Mosbahi, Olfa; Khalgui, Mohamed; Frey, Georg:From Specification to Implementation of an Automotive Transport System. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol: 868. Springer, Cham. pp. 49-68, June 2018.  <DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93641-3_3>


Reconfiguration is often a major undertaking for systems because it can violate memory usage, the required energy and the concerned real-time constraints. The languages in which adaptive probabilistic systems are specified should be clear and intuitive, and thus accessible to generation, inspection and modification by humans. This paper introduces a new specification approach for adaptive probabilistic discrete event systems running under resources constraints. The semantics of the formalism GR-TNCES are presented to optimize the specification approach and applied to specify the requirements of an automotive transport system to prove its relevance. Then, we model, simulate and implement the proposed case study.


Requirement specification, Adaptive systems, Statecharts Modeling