
Ivanova D.; Batchkova, I.; Frey, G.: Modeling and Verification Approach Based on IEC 61499 function blocks. Proceedings of the Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Summer School (Sozopol'09), Part II, ISSN: 1313-9487, pp. 43-49, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Sep. 2009.


Component based automation is a very promising technique in achieving reconfigurable control systems. To support the development of such systems new rapid, high-quality and cost-effective approaches for their design and maintenance are needed. On the base of an analysis of the latest trend in industrial automation such as the IEC 61499 standard and in the software engineering such as formal techniques, a new approach for their integration is proposed. A formal modelling approach based on Signal Interpreted Petri Nets and formal methods for verification using NuSMV tool are combined in order to model and verify the IEC 61499 based basic function blocks.