
Ivanova, D.; Batchkova, I.; Frey, G.: Development of IEC 61499 Component Library for Batch Process Control. Proceedings of the International Conference on Automatics and Informatics, Vol. V, pp. 1-4, Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 2008. 


The global market competition is changing the manufacturing from mass production to mass customization that requires the concept of agile manufacturing. The development of agile manufacturing systems is supported by the rapidly development of Information Technologies and Automation and allows the manufacturing of the right products and their distributions at the right places in the right time to the right people. One of the current trends in the field of automation in order to achieve an agile manufacturing is to develop and use of component based control systems (CBCS). These control systems consist of reusable and integrable components, able to adapt quickly and this way supporting the dynamical reconfiguration of the system. In connection to this, the new standard for development of distributed industrial process measurement and control systems IEC 61499 may play a crucial role in achieving the main features of CBCS. The reference architecture suggested in the standard allows the development of modular, re-usable, open and vendor independent distributed control applications, characterized through the three main features: interoperability, portability and configurability.
This paper is focused on the development of an IEC 61499 based library of software components, supporting the design of control systems in the batch process industry and intending to reduce the barriers imposed on the flexibility and reconfigurability of the currently used industrial automation systems. The paper begins with more details on the IEC 61499 Standard for the development of next generation distributed control systems. Next, we provide a description of the developed IEC 61499 based component models part of current software library and summarize the results and benefits of the developed IEC 61499 library for some case studies.