WS23/24: Eye Tracking: Experimental Investigations in Language Comprehension and Machine Learning Approaches to Data Analysis
Course description
The present seminar consists of two blocks.
In the psycholinguistic part, we will focus on how eye-tracking measures can be used to test which cognitive processes are involved in reading and what individual differences can be inferred on the basis of different reading behaviors. The collection of papers is primarily focused on lexical access and syntactic complexity in sentence and paragraph reading.
The machine learning part focuses on the processing aspects of modeling reading data, as well as on the recent eye-movement-based classification approaches.
In the first lectures, we will introduce eye-tracking experimental methodology and measures that are typically collected, and present a list of papers that will be covered in this seminar.
taught by: | Iza Škrjanec and Margarita Ryzhova |
language: | English |
start date: | 03.11.2023 |
time: | Friday, 12:15 - 13:45 |
classroom: | Building C7.3, Seminarraum 1.12 |
Key info
- On the first lecture on 03.11., we will present the papers that will be discussed in the seminar
- The papers will be distributed among the students in the second lecture (10.11.)
- Every week one student presents a paper except for the first 3 lectures, where we will provide some background on eye-tracking, psycholinguistics, and machine learning concepts
- More information to come in MSTeams (a link to be provided)
A general interest in eye-tracking and psycholinguistics is expected. As you sign up for the seminar, please also fill out the following form: If you plan to attend the seminar, filling out this form is mandatory (deadline is October 15). We will use your answers to adjust the context of the first introductory lectures.