WS21/22: Statistics with R

Lecture with tutorials

held by: Prof. Vera Demberg

Location:         Geb. E2 2 - Hörsaal 0.01 (Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal) as well as online via MS Teams

Lecture:  Tuesdays, starting on 26.10.2021  at 08.30 -10.00 a.m.

Tutorials:       There are several tutorials, times and locations TBD. All tutorials will be held as online courses.

suitable for:     B.Sc. / M.Sc.


At the University it is only allowed to attend offline lectures in person if you can prove your '3G’ status.
Please get informed about the rules here.

Für die Lehrveranstaltungen in Präsenz an der Universität gelten die 3G-Regeln.
Bitte informieren Sie sich darüber hier.


Please sign up here  (CMS) for the lecture as soon as possible. 


This class is supported by DataCamp, which allows students to take online classes with automatic code correction for learning R, Python and SQL.
The courses combine short expert videos and hands-on-the-keyboard exercises.