
Apply now for the Master in Border Studies!

Borders everywhere: Complex times need (cross)border experts

We encounter borders everywhere and at any time. Examples are currently omnipresent: the stronger protection of the EU’s external borders through the new Pact on Asylum and Migration, the border controls carried out at the German borders since fall 2024 or Donald Trump's election promise to hermetically seal the border with Mexico. At the same time, de-bordering, for example within the European Schengen area, means that border areas are becoming laboratories for cooperation and living together. This complex situation gives rise to a variety of exciting questions for Border Studies about the existence of different types of borders and their effects on border areas.

Through studying in a border region, graduates of the Master Border Studies program not only become experts in complex border issues from a theoretical perspective but are also made familiar with their practical implications. This expertise is not only in demand in border regions, but also in other international and intercultural professional fields. 

Do you want to become a cross-border expert? Information on the application procedure, application deadlines and admission requirements can be found here.