Workshop "Tips and tools for a reproducible workflow"
In a mix of input and hands-on sessions, participants will learn more about how workflows in research projects can be designed to be reproducible. Reproducible workflows in research projects not only increase comprehensibility for the researcher and for everyone who will be involved with the research project (e.g. colleagues, reviewers, or the research community), but also boost efficiency in the long term. Our workshop covers introductions and practical sessions for the following topics:
- reproducible data management,
- versioning with Git in R (with hands-on),
- reproducible writing with the “papaja” package in RMarkdown (with hands-on),
- tools for reproducible collaboration.
Workshop language:
The workshop will be held in English if preferred by at least one participant, otherwise in German. The slides will be in English.
A laptop with admin rights is required so that programs can be installed (e.g., Git or RStudio) or this software has to be installed prior to the workshop by someone who holds admin rights. Basic knowledge of R is advantageous as the tools presented are based on R. No previous experience with Git or RMarkdown is necessary; the workshop includes an introduction to these tools.
Date: April 19, 2024, 09:00-17:00
Venue: Room "Gerstner" in the ground floor of Science Park 2 (building D1 2)

Dr. Caroline Zygar-Hoffmann is a postdoctoral researcher at the chair of Psychological Methods and Diagnostics at LMU Munich and interim professor for Psychological Methods at the Charlotte Fresenius Hochschule (University of Psychology). In her research, she uses experience sampling methods and ecological momentary interventions to investigate motivational dynamics in romantic relationships.

Dr. Moritz Fischer is a postdoctoral researcher at the chair of Social Psychology at LMU Munich. In his research, he studies how people react to unethical conduct, specifically focusing on reactions to unethical behavior in organizational settings. Moritz also offers workshops on psychological methods (e.g., simulation-based power analyses) and reproducibility in (psychological) research.