Haben, Aaron
Aaron Haben, M.Sc., Doktorand
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Tel.: ++49 681 302 4771 (Labor)
Tel.: ++49 681 302 4770 (Büro)
BMWi-Verbundprojekt GRaZ II: "Geochemische Radionuklidrückhaltung an Zementalterationsphasen"
Haben, A., Brix, K., Bachmann, N., Kautenburger, R. (2023) Adaption of mini column experiments (MCE) for cementitious materials combined with a new way of data evaluation to gain sorption parameters, in Vorbereitung.
Brix, K., Haben, A., Kautenburger, R. (2023) Time-dependent retention of a mixture of Cs(I), Sm(III), Eu(III) and U(VI) as waste cocktail by calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) phases, eingereicht in Minerals.
Brix, K., Baur, S., Haben, A., Kautenburger, R. (2021) Building the bridge between U(VI) and Ca-bentonite – Influence of concentration, ionic strength, pH, clay composition and competing ions, Chemosphere 285, 131445.
Brix, K., Hein, C., Haben, A., Kautenburger, R. (2019) Adsorption of caesium on raw Ca-bentonite in high saline solutions: Influence of concentration, mineral composition, other radionuclides and modelling, Applied Clay Science 182, 105275.

AG WASTe - Elementanalytik
Kontakt und Anfahrt:
apl. Prof. Dr. Ralf Kautenburger
++49 681 302 2171
Universität des Saarlandes
Anorganische Chemie / Elementanalytik
Campus C4 1, 1. UG
66123 Saarbrücken