Prof. Dr. Henryk Zähle
Peer-reviewed papers
- Renjie Chen, Huifu Xu, and Henryk Zähle
Distributional stability of sparse inverse covariance matrix estimators
submitted for publication - Tristan Bergmann and Henryk Zähle
Data-based bandwidth selection for the smoothing of empirical distribution functions
submitted for publication - Eric Beutner and Henryk Zähle
Concentration inequalities for classical and smoothed empirical processes of independent and dependent random variables
Bernoulli, to appear - Eric Beutner and Henryk Zähle
Donsker results for the empirical process indexed by functions of locally bounded variation and applications to the smoothed empirical process
Bernoulli 29(1), 2023, 205–228 (electronic supplement, 22 pages) - Henryk Zähle
A concept of copula robustness and its applications in quantitative risk management
Finance and Stochastics 26(4), 2022, 825–875 - Patrick Kern, Axel Simroth, and Henryk Zähle
First-order sensitivity of the optimal value in a Markov decision model with respect to deviations in the transition probability function
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 92(1), 2020, 165–197 (electronic supplement, 32 pages) - Ulrike Mayer, Henryk Zähle, and Zhou Zhou
Functional weak limit theorem for a local empirical process of non-stationary time series and its application
Bernoulli 26(3), 2020, 1891–1911 (electronic supplement, 59 pages) - Eric Beutner and Henryk Zähle
Bootstrapping Average Value at Risk of single and collective risks
Risks 6(3), 96, 2018 - Volker Krätschmer and Henryk Zähle
Statistical inference for expectile-based risk measures
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 44(2), 2017, 425–454 (electronic supplement, 11 pages) - Volker Krätschmer, Alexander Schied, and Henryk Zähle
Domains of weak continuity of statistical functionals with a view toward robust statistics
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 158, 2017, 1–19 - Alexandra Lauer and Henryk Zähle
Bootstrap consistency and bias correction in the nonparametric estimation of risk measures of collective risks
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 74, 2017, 99–108 - Eric Beutner and Henryk Zähle
Functional delta-method for the bootstrap of quasi-Hadamard differentiable functionals
Electronic Journal of Statistics 10(1), 2016, 1181–1222 - Dominic Schuhmacher, Anja Sturm, and Henryk Zähle
On qualitative robustness of the Lotka-Nagaev estimator for the offspring mean of a supercritical Galton-Watson process
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 169, 2016, 56–70 - Henryk Zähle
A definition of qualitative robustness for general point estimators, and examples
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 143, 2016, 12–31 - Alexandra Lauer and Henryk Zähle
Nonparametric estimation of risk measures of collective risks
Statistics and Risk Modeling 32(2), 2015, 89–102 - Henryk Zähle
Qualitative robustness of statistical functionals under strong mixing
Bernoulli 21(3), 2015, 1412–1434 - Volker Krätschmer, Alexander Schied, and Henryk Zähle
Quasi-Hadamard differentiability of general risk functionals and its application
Statistics and Risk Modeling 32(1), 2015, 25–47 - Volker Krätschmer, Alexander Schied, and Henryk Zähle
Comparative and qualitative robustness for law-invariant risk measures
Finance and Stochastics 18(2), 2014, 271–295 - Henryk Zähle
Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund and ordinary strong laws for empirical distribution functions and plug-in estimators
Statistics 48(5), 2014, 951–964 - Eric Beutner and Henryk Zähle
Continuous mapping approach to the asymptotics of U- and V-statistics
Bernoulli 20(2), 2014, 846–877 - Henryk Zähle
Qualitative robustness of von Mises statistics based on strongly mixing data
Statistical Papers 55(1), 2014, 157–167 - Henryk Zähle and Katrin Zähle
Prämienanpassungen im Risikoklassenmodell der Privaten Krankenversicherung
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft 102(2), 2013, 111–140 - Eric Beutner, Wei Biao Wu, and Henryk Zähle
Asymptotics for statistical functionals of long-memory sequences
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 122(3), 2012, 910–929 - Volker Krätschmer, Alexander Schied, and Henryk Zähle
Qualitative and infinitesimal robustness of tail-dependent statistical functionals
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 103(1), 2012, 35–47 - Eric Beutner and Henryk Zähle
Deriving the asymptotic distribution of U- and V-statistics of dependent data using weighted empirical processes
Bernoulli 18(3), 2012, 803–822 - Volker Krätschmer and Henryk Zähle
Sensitivity of risk measures with respect to the normal approximation of total claim distributions
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 49(3), 2011, 335–344 - Axel Simroth and Henryk Zähle
Travel time prediction using floating car data applied to logistics planning
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 12(1), 2011, 243–253 - Henryk Zähle
Rates of almost sure convergence of plug-in estimates for distortion risk measures
Metrika 74(2), 2011, 267–285 - Eric Beutner and Henryk Zähle
A modified functional delta method and its application to the estimation of risk functionals
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 101(10), 2010, 2452–2463 - Henryk Zähle
Ein Risikoklassenmodell für die Portabilität der Alterungsrückstellungen in der PKV
Blätter der DGVFM 31(1), 2010, 39–64 - Henryk Zähle
Approximation of SDEs by population-size-dependent Galton-Watson processes
Stochastic Analysis and Applications 28(2), 2010, 377–388 - Andreas Neuenkirch and Henryk Zähle
Asymptotic error distribution of the Euler method for SDEs with non-Lipschitz coefficients
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 15(4), 2009, 333–351 - Ansgar Steland and Henryk Zähle
Sampling inspection by variables: nonparametric setting
Statistica Neerlandica 63(1), 2009, 101–123 - Henryk Zähle
Weak approximation of SDEs by discrete-time processes
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis Vol. 2008, 14 pages - Henryk Zähle, Michael Scheutzow, Martin Reisslein, and Martin Maier
On the multicast capacity of unidirectional and bidirectional packet-switched WDM ring networks
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication 25(3), 2007, 105–119 - Henryk Zähle
Space-time regularity of catalytic super-Brownian motion
Mathematische Nachrichten 278(7-8), 2005, 942–970 - Henryk Zähle
Heat equation with strongly inhomogeneous noise
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 112(1), 2004, 95–118
Contributions to conference proceedings
- Henryk Zähle
Noncentral limit theorems for statistical functionals based on long-memory sequences
Proceedings of the 58th ISI Congress 2011, Dublin, Ireland, 6 pages - Werner Herrmann, Jörg Althaus, Ansgar Steland, and Henryk Zähle
Statistical and experimental methods for assessing the power output specification of PV modules
Proceedings of the 21th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference 2006, Dresden, Germany, 2416–2420
- Henryk Zähle
Stochastic heat equation and catalytic super-Brownian motion
PhD Thesis, Technical University Berlin, 2004 - Henryk Zähle
Konvergenz in Verteilung von empirischen Prozessen
Diploma Thesis, University of Göttingen, 2000