The research focus of our department
Due to the great consistency of the human and mouse genome as well as the similarities in embryonic development, physiology and biochemistry, the mouse is the model organism for the elucidation of disease-relevant genes in biomedical research. The analysis of genetically modified mouse models allows conclusions regarding the function of individual genes in cells, in isolated organs and in the whole organism. Therefore, the health status of mice is very important for this phenotypic analysis since infections can mask the changes induced by gene modification or it makes the interpretation of the findings difficult. Although infections with viruses, bacteria and parasites are often latent and do not produce obvious clinical symptoms, they can have a significant impact on the results of animal experiments.

For these reasons, our research focus is:
- the generation and analysis of genetically modified mouse lines (classical, conditional or knock of TRP- or voltage gated calcium channels)
- the analysis of embryonic phenotypes and fertility disorders
- the microbiological standardization as well as the establishment and maintenance of a uniform and specifically pathogen-free (SPF) status of mouse lines in an embryo- and sperm-cryobank (SPF according to FELASA recommendations).

- culture of trophoblast and embryonic stem cells
- gene targeting
- primary cell culture
- mouse behaviour testing
reproductive techniques:
- oocyte and two-cell stage embryo isolation
- sperm isolation and capacitation
- cryopreservation of sperm and two-cell stage embryos
- revitalization via in vitro fertilization (IVF)
- embryo transfers of two-cell stage embryos