PD Dr. Dorota Reis

Universität des Saarlandes
Fachrichtung Psychologie
Geäude A2 4 - Raum 1.32.3
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Sprechstunde: n. V.
Tel: +49(0)681/302-2722
Professional Positions
Senior Researcher & Lecturer for Psychological Methods
Department of Psychology, Saarland University, Germany
Lecturer and Reseach Scientist
Division of Assessment, Personality Psychology and Psychological Methods
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Methodologist at the Center for Methodology, Diagnostics and Evaluation
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Lecturer and Research Scientist
Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Habilitation/Venia Legendi
Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Psychology
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Diploma (equivalent to M.Sc.), Psychology
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Diploma (equivalent to M.Sc.), Theology
University of Salzburg-Salzburg, Austria
Honors and Awards
Teaching award for the best lecture (2nd prize) in psychology for the lecture
'Psychological methods and computational data analysis / Quantitative methods II'
Students' Council Psychology, Saarland University, Germany
Teaching award for the best lecture (1st prize) in psychology for the lecture
'Psychological methods and computational data analysis / Quantitative methods II'
Students' Council Psychology, Saarland University, Germany
Teaching award for the best lecture (1st prize) in psychology for the lecture
'Psychological methods and computational data analysis / Quantitative methods II'
Students' Council Psychology, Saarland University, Germany
Teaching award for the best lecture (3rd prize) in psychology for the lecture
'Psychological methods and computational data analysis / Quantitative methods II'
Students' Council Psychology, Saarland University, Germany
Teaching award for the best lecture (2nd prize) in psychology for the lecture
'Psychological methods and computational data analysis / Quantitative methods II'
Students' Council Psychology, Saarland University, Germany
Best Dissertation Award
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Teaching award for the best lecture of the Psychology Department for the lecture 'Klinisch-psychologische Diagnostik',
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Student Development Award of the Stress and Anxiety Society (STAR)
WiPP e.V., Landau, Germany
Dynamics of personal resources and demands in the processes of accumulation and chronification.
German Research Foundation (DFG)
PI: Dorota Reis, Co-Applicant: Malte Friese
Flexible strategy use in balancing work and nonwork demands.
Research Project is part of the Research Training Group “Flexibility and Balance as Characteristics of Adaptive Self-Regulation”
German Research Foundation (DFG)
Expanding the Stressor-Detachment Model: A multimethod ecological momentary intervention.
German Research Foundation (DFG)
Awarded to Dr. Dorota Reis
The Role of Perfectionism in Predicting Health-Related Variables at Work. An Experience Sampling Study.
Research Fund, Saarland University, Germany
Cognitive behavioral therapy for Insomnia as an adjunct treatment option for posttraumatic stress disorder.
German Research Foundation (DFG)
As Cooperation Partner
Reciprocal and dynamic relationships of teachers' personal resources, work engagement, and instructional quality: A resource-oriented approach.
German Research Foundation (DFG)
As Co-Applicant
Editorial Service and Reviews
Senior Editor for Organizational Behavior: Collabra: Psychology
Editorial Board: European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
German Research Foundation (DFG); SSHRC Canada; Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology; Journal of Occupational Health Psychology; Journal of Organizational Behavior; Personality and Individual Differences; Journal of Medical Internet Research; Disability & Rehabilitation; Work & Stress; Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health; Applied Psychology: An International Review; Journal of Individual Differences; Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being; European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology; Assessment; Journal of Vocational Behavior; Journal of Personality Assessment; European Journal of Psychological Assessment; Personnel Assessment and Decisions
Peuckmann, L., Friese, M., & Reis, D. (2024). Evaluating Training-Related Changes in Profiles of Recovery Experiences. PsyArXiv. doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/f4spx
Reis, D., Hart, A., Krautter, K., Prestele (Zureck), E., Lehr, D., & Friese, M. (2024). Mindfulness and Cognitive–Behavioral Strategies for Psychological Detachment: Comparing Effectiveness and Mechanisms of Change. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 29, 258–279. https://doi.org/10.1037/ocp0000381
Ahrens, K. F., Schenk, C., Kollmann, B. Puhlmann, L., Neumann, R., Schäfer, S. K., Reis, D., Basten, U., Weichert, D., Fiebach, C. J., Lutz, B., Wessa, M., Repple, J., Lieb, K., Tüscher, O., Reif, A., Kalisch, R., & Plichta, M. M. (2024). Resilience to Major Life Events: Advancing Trajectory Modeling and Resilience Factor Identification by Controlling for Background Stressor Exposure. American Psychologist, doi: 10.1037/amp0001315
Haim-Nachum, S., Sopp, R., Antonia, L., Afzal, N., Åhs, F., Allgaier, A. K., ...,Reis, D., … & Pfaltz, M. (2024). Childhood Maltreatment is Linked to Larger Preferred Interpersonal Distances Towards Friends and Strangers Across the Globe. Translational Psychiatry.
Lopper, E., Milius, M., Reis, D., Nitz, S., & Hoppe, A. (2023). Weekly Reciprocal Relationships between Job Crafting, Work Engagement, and Performancea Within-person Approach. Frontiers in Organizational Psychology, 1. https://doi.org/10.3389/forgp.2023.1200117
Scholten, S., Schemer, L., Herzog, P., Haas, J. W., Heider, J., Winter, D., ... Reis, D. & Glombiewski, J. (2023). Leveraging single-case experimental designs to promote personalized psychological treatment: Step-by-step implementation protocol with stakeholder involvement for a single-case outpatient clinic. 10.31219/osf.io/uaznr
Kilger, H., Reis, D., & Friese, M. (2023). No longer able to or no longer wanting to? Are intention violations failures to exert or decisions not to exert self-control? Motivation and Emotion. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11031-023-10031-4
Weber, M., Reis, D., & Friese, M. (2023). Development and Validation of the Trait Sexual Motivation Scale (TSMS). Journal of Personality Assessment, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/00223891.2023.2206896
Hoppe, A., Lopper, E., Prestele, E., Milius, M., Nitz, S., Gahrmann, C., Reis., D. (2023). Extending and intensifying work as mediators in the relationship between weekly time pressure and fatigue: The moderating role of perfectionism. International Journal of Stress Management.
Meier, L. L., Keller, A., Reis, D., & Nohe, C (2023). On the Asymmetry of Losses and Gains: Implications of Changing Work Conditions for Well-Being. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Sopp, R., Haim-Nachum, S., Pfaltz, M., Antonia, L., Dukes, D., Levy-Gigi, E., ... Reis, D., … & Wamser-Nanney, R. (2022). Childhood Maltreatment Is Linked to Larger Preferred Interpersonal Distances Towards Friends and Strangers Across the Globe. PsyArXiv
Reis, D., Krautter, K., Hart., A., & Friese, M. (2022). Heterogeneity in Mental Health Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: The Role of Social Factors. Stress & Health. doi:10.1002/smi.3181
Hart, A., Reis, D., Prestele, E., & Jacobson, N. C. (2022). Using Smartphone Sensor Paradata and Personalized Machine Learning Models to Infer Participants’ Well-being: Ecological Momentary Assessment. Journal of Medical Internet Research. doi: 10.2196/34015
Krautter, K., Friese, M., Hart, A., & Reis, D. (2022). No party no joy?—Changes in university students' extraversion, neuroticism, and subjective well-being during two COVID-19 lockdowns. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 1– 19. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12336
Schmitt, M. C., Prestele, E., & Reis., D. (2021). Perfectionistic Cognitions as Antecedents of Work Engagement: Personal Resources, Personal Demands, or Both? Collabra: Psychology, 7 (1). doi: 10.1525/collabra.25912
Reis, D., Hart, A., Lehr, D. & Friese, M. (2021). Promoting recovery in daily life: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC psychology, 9 (91). doi: 10.1186/s40359-021-00591-w
Althammer, S., Reis, D., van der Beek, S., Beck, L., & Michel, A. (2021). A mindfulness intervention promoting work-life balance: How segmentation preference moderates change trajectories of work-life balance, detachment, and well-being. Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology. doi: 10.1111/joop.12346
Lennefer, T., Reis, D., Lopper, E., & Hoppe, A. (2020). A Step away from Impaired Well-being: A Latent Growth Curved Analysis of an Intervention with Activity Trackers among Employees. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
Reis, D.* & Prestele, E.* (2020). The Role of Trait and State Perfectionism in Recovery from Daily Job Demands. Stress & Health.
Baumert, A., Maltese, S., Reis, D., MacLeod, C., Tan-Mansukhani, R., Galang, A., Salanga, M., & Schmitt, M. (2020). A Cross-cultural Study of Sensitivity to Injustice and Its Consequences for Cooperation. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Frone, M., Reis, D., Ottenstein, C. (2018). A German Version of the Three-Dimensional Work Fatigue Inventory (3D-WFI): Factor Structure, Internal Consistency, and Correlates. Stress & Health.
Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., Reis, D., Lehr, D., Buntrock, C., Schwarzer, R., & Ebert, D. (2018). Turning Good Intentions into Actions – Using the Health Action Process Approach to Predict and Improve Adherence Rates to Web-Based Depression Prevention. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Reis, D., Lehr, D., Heber, E., & Ebert, D. (2017). The German version of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10): Evaluation of dimensionality, validity, and measurement invariance with exploratory and confirmatory bifactor modeling. Assessment.
Reis, D. (2017). Further insights into the German version of the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA): A Bayesian and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Approach. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
Boß, L., Lehr, D., Reis, D., Vis, C., Riper, H., Berking, M., & Ebert, D. (2016). Reliability and validity of assessing user satisfaction with Internet and mobile-based health interventions. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Reis, D., Hoppe, A., Arndt, C., & Lischetzke, T. (2016). Time Pressure with State Vigour and State Absorption: Are They Non-linearly Related? European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
Reis, D., Arndt, C., Lischetzke, T. & Hoppe, A. (2016). State work engagement and state affect. Similar yet distinct constructs. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 93, 1-10.
Schröder, A., & Reis, D. (2015). Wie belastet erleben sich Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten in ihrem Berufsalltag? Ergebnisse einer Online-Erhebung. Psychotherapeutenjournal.
Lischetzke, T., Reis, D. & Arndt, C. (2015). Data-analytic strategies for examining the effectiveness of daily interventions. Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, 88, 587-622.
Reis, D., Xanthopoulou, D. & Tsaousis, I. (2015). Measuring Job and Academic Burnout with the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI): Factorial Invariance across Samples and Countries. Burnout Research, 2, 8-18.
Reis, D.* & Hoppe, A.* (2014). Change in Affective Well-Being on Change in Perceived Job Characteristics: The Mediating Role of Hope. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88, 19-40.
Wassermann, M., Hoppe, A., Reis, D. & von Uthman, L. (2014). Sinnstiftung als persönliche Ressource bei Altenpflegekräften: Zu direkten und moderierenden Effekten von Sinnstiftung auf emotionale Erschöpfung und Vitalität. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 58, 51-63.
Reis, D., Hoppe, A. & Schröder, A. (2013). Reciprocal relationships between resources, work and study engagement, and health. Evidence for gain cycles. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24, 59-75.
Stoffel, M.*, Reis, D.*, Schwarz, D. & Schröder, A. (2013). Dimensions of coping in Fibromyalgia patients: Factor analysis and cross-validation of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ-D). Rehabilitation Psychology, 58, 386-395.
Reis, D., Schröder, A. & Schlarb, A. (2013). Wohlbefinden, Burnout und Ressourcen bei Psychotherapeuten. Der Psychotherapeut. doi: 10.1007/s00278-013-0970-z
Schlarb, A.*, Reis, D.* & Schröder, A. (2012). Sleep characteristics, sleep problems and associations to quality of life among psychotherapists. Sleep Disorders. doi: 10.1155/2012/806913
* Equally contributing authors.
Reis, D. & Friese, M. (in press). The myriad forms of p-hacking. In W. O'Donohue, A. Masuda, & S. Lilienfeld (Eds), Questionable research practices in clinical psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Springer.
Reis, D. & Meier, L. (2021). Interventionsdesign, Evaluationsverfahren und Wirksamkeit von Interventionen. In A. Michel & A. Hoppe (Hrsg.), Handbuch Gesundheitsförderung bei der Arbeit. Springer Fachmedien.
Murken, S. & Reis, D. (2010). Religiosität, Spiritualität und Krebserkrankung. In C. Klein, H. Berth & F. Balck (Hrsg.), Gesundheit - Religion - Spiritualität. Konzepte, Befunde und Erklärungsansätze (S. 321-331). Weinheim: Juventa.
Reis, D. & Prestele, E. The Role of Perfectionism in Predicting Health-Related Variables at Work. An Experience Sampling Study. OSF.
Reis, D. & Arndt, C. (2017). The role of recovery and interoception for daily fatigue: A test of the stress acceleration accumulation hypothesis.
Reis, D. (2016). A recovery and a gratitude training designed as Ecological Momentary Interventions for reducing work-related perseverative cognition.
Reis, D. & Prestele, E., (2019). The Role of Trait and State Perfectionism in Recovery from Daily Job Demands: Data & Code.
DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/XN5U4
Reis, D., Frone, M., Ottenstein, C. (2018). 3D-WFI German version.
DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/93GRF
Reis, D. (2017). PSS-10 German version: Evaluation of dimensionality, validity, and measurement invariance: Data and Code.
DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/DQNXA
Reis, D. (2017). MAIA Bayesian SEM: Data and Code.
DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/8HPB8
Reis, D. (2016). Time pressure with state vigour and state absorption (2016): Dataset. figshare.
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.3582210.v1
Reis, D. (2016). State work engagement and state affect (2016): Dataset. figshare.
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.3406663.v2
Lecture 'Psychological methods and data analysis / Quantitative methods I'
Lecture 'Psychological methods and data analysis / Quantitative methods II'
Seminar 'Data analysis with R I'
Seminar 'Data analysis with R II'
Seminar 'Data analysis with SPSS I'
Seminar 'Data analysis with SPSS II'
Seminar 'Scientific writing and presentation'
Empirical training
Research Colloqium
Lecture 'Advanced test theory'
Seminar 'Clinical diagnostics'
Seminar 'Exercise for multivariate methods'
Seminar 'Exercise for advanced test theory'
Seminar 'Introduction to R'
Seminar 'Introduction to data analysis with R'
Seminar 'Latent variable models with R'
Seminar 'Positive psychology in counselling'
Seminar 'Variability and Change'
Diplomand colloqium for clinical psychology
Research Colloquium
Workshop: Introduction to Multilevel Modeling with R (Saarland University, Germany)
Workshop: Power Analysis (Saarland University, Germany)
Workshop: Power Analysis (Conférence universitaire de Suisse occidentale, University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Workshop: Introduction to Data Analysis with R (Saarland University, Germany)
Workshop: Descriptive Statistics and Graphics with R (Saarland University, Germany)
Workshop: Correlation, Regression and Analysis of Variance with R (Saarland University, Germany)
Workshop: Longitudinal structural equation modelling (University of Koblenz · Landau, Germany)
Workshop: Longitudinal structural equation modelling (University of Bern, Switzerland)
Workshop: Longitudinal und multilevel structural equation modelling (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Workshop: Longitudinal structural equation modelling (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany)
Workshop: Longitudinal models in R with the lavaan package (University of Koblenz · Landau, Germany)
Workshop for preregistration (University of Koblenz · Landau, Germany)
Workshop: Longitudinal models in R with the lavaan package (University of Koblenz · Landau, Germany)
Workshop: Analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal data with R (University of Lüneburg, Germany)
Introduction to complex pathmodels in R (University of Koblenz · Landau, Germany)
Analysis of structural equation models in R with the lavaan package (University of Koblenz · Landau, Germany)
Introduction to data analysis with Mplus (University of Koblenz · Landau, Germany)