Visit of Prof. Dr. Ticijana Ban (University of Zagreb)

Prof. Dr. Ticijana Ban (University of Zagreb) will visit us from Monday 03.03.2025 to Tuesday 04.03.2025.

New article: Spin-self-organization in an optical cavity facilitated by inhomogeneous broadening

Spin-self-organization in an optical cavity facilitated by inhomogeneous broadening
M. Nairn, L. Giannelli, G. Morigi, S. Slama, B. Olmos, and S. B. Jäger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 083603 (2025)

New article: Controlling the dynamics of atomic correlations via the coupling to a dissipative cavity

Controlling the dynamics of atomic correlations via the coupling to a dissipative cavity
C.-M. Halati, A. Sheikhan, G. Morigi, and C. Kollath
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 073604 (2025)

Visit of Gabriele Perfetto (University of Tübingen)

Gabriele Perfetto (University of Tübingen) will visit us from Wednesday 05.02.2025 to Thursday 06.02.2025. He will give a talk on Thursday in room 2.21 at 10 am.

We congratulate Robin Krill, M.Sc.!

We congratulate Robin Krill, M.Sc. for the successful defence of his Master thesis with the title "Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations for Extended Bose-Hubbard Models".

Visit of Jan Koziol (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Jan Koziol (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) will visit us from Monday 03.02.2025 to Tuesday 04.02.2025.

Visit of Prof. Dr. Dagmar Bruss (HHU Düsseldorf)

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Bruss (HHU Düsseldorf) will visit us on Monday 03.02.2025. She will give a talk about "Does Quantum Mechanics Need Complex Numbers?" at 12:00 pm in room 0.01, building E2 1. For more information, click here.

Visit of Dr. Stefan Kühn (CQTA Zeuthen)

Dr. Stefan Kühn (CQTA Zeuthen) will visit us from Monday 20.01.2025 to Tuesday 21.01.2025. He will give a talk about "Quantum-inspired methods for lattice field theory" on Monday at 12:00 pm in room 0.01, building E2 1. For more information, click here.

New article: Dynamical phases of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a bad optical cavity at optomechanical resonance

Dynamical phases of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a bad optical cavity at optomechanical resonance
G. W. Harmon, G. Morigi, and S. B. Jäger
Phys. Rev. A 111, 013518 (2025)

Workshop in Tübingen

We will visit the groups of Prof. Dr. Beatriz Olmos Sanchez and Prof. Dr. Igor Lesanovsky from Thursday 08.01.2024 to Friday 09.01.2024 for a joint workshop in Tübingen.

Talk by Prof. Dr. Markus Müller (RWTH Aachen and FZ Jülich)

Prof. Dr. Markus Müller (RWTH Aachen and FZ Jülich) will give a talk about "The Dawn of Quantum Fault Tolerance" on Thursday, 12.12.2024, at 12 pm in room 0.01, building E2 1. For more information, click here.

New article: Fractal ground state of mesoscopic ion chains in periodic potentials

Fractal ground state of mesoscopic ion chains in periodic potentials
R. Menu, J. Yago Malo, V. Vuletić, M. L. Chiofalo, and G. Morigi
Phys. Rev. B 110, 224103 (2024)

New article: Self-assembled chains and solids of dipolar atoms in a multilayer

Self-assembled chains and solids of dipolar atoms in a multilayer
G. Guijarro, G. E. Astrakharchik, G. Morigi, and J. Boronat
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 233402 (2024)

New molecules for new materials: Chemistry Research Training Group receives millions in funding

Covalent bonds are the backbone of our world. A research training group at Saarland University has now been approved to get to the bottom of the targeted manipulation of these atomic bonds and thus pave the way for new materials. The German Research Foundation is funding the project with around 6.3 million euros.

New article: Self-organized transport in noisy dynamic networks

Self-organized transport in noisy dynamic networks
F. Folz, K. Mehlhorn, and G. Morigi
Phys. Rev. E 110, 044310 (2024)

New article: Fast storage of photons in cavity-assisted quantum memories

Fast storage of photons in cavity-assisted quantum memories
J. S. Kollath-Bönig, L. Dellantonio, L. Giannelli, T. Schmit, G. Morigi, and A. S. Sørensen
Physical Review Applied 22, 044038 (2024)

New article: Quantum phases of hardcore bosons with repulsive dipolar density-density interactions on two-dimensional lattices

Quantum phases of hardcore bosons with repulsive dipolar density-density interactions on two-dimensional lattices
J. A. Koziol, G. Morigi, and K. P. Schmidt
SciPost Phys. 17, 111 (2024)

New article: Quantum frustrated Wigner chains

Quantum frustrated Wigner chains
R. Menu, J. Yago Malo, V. Vuletić, M. L. Chiofalo, and G. Morigi
Phys. Rev. B 110, 155121 (2024)

Visit of Tanvi Takhur (University of Hamburg)

Tanvi Takhur (University of Hamburg) will visit us on Friday 04.10.2024.

Visit of Dr. Francesco Mattiotti (Strasbourg University)

Dr. Francesco Mattiotti (Strasbourg University) will visit us on Friday 27.09.2024.

Visit of Dr. Kyrylo Snizhko (Université de Grenoble)

Dr. Kyrylo Snizhko (Université de Grenoble) will visit us on Thursday 26.09.2024.

We congratulate Dr. Aleksei Konovalov!

We congratulate Dr. Aleksei Konovalov for the successful defence of his PhD thesis with the title "Light Scattering on Superradiant Ensembles of Multilevel Quantum Emitters".

Visit of Dr. Nicola Piovella (University of Milan)

Dr. Nicola Piovella (University of Milan) will visit us from Thursday 19.09.2024 to Friday 20.09.2024.

New article: Adiabatic quantum trajectories in engineered reservoirs

Adiabatic quantum trajectories in engineered reservoirs
E.C. King, L. Giannelli, R. Menu, J.N. Kriel, and G. Morigi
Quantum 8, 1428 (2024)

New article: Dilute measurement-induced cooling into many-body ground states

Dilute measurement-induced cooling into many-body ground states
J. Langbehn, K. Snizhko, I. Gornyi, G. Morigi, Y. Gefen, and C. P. Koch
PRX Quantum 5, 030301 (2024)

New article: Dynamics of quantum discommensurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain

Dynamics of quantum discommensurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain
O. Chelpanova, S. P. Kelly, F. Schmidt-Kaler, G. Morigi, and J. Marino
Phys. Rev. B 109, 214107 (2024)

Visit of Dr. Luigi Giannelli (University of Catania)

Dr. Luigi Giannelli (University of Catania) will visit us from Tuesday 04.06.2024 to Friday 21.06.2024.

Visit of Dr. Hannes Kriel (Stellenbosch University)

Dr. Hannes Kriel (Stellenbosch University) will visit us from Monday 03.06.2024 to Friday 14.06.2024.

Visit of Tarif Almodares (Université de Lorraine)

Tarif Almodares (Université de Lorraine) will visit us from Thursday 18.04.2024 to Friday 19.04.2024.

New article: Quantum state preparation via engineered ancilla resetting

Quantum state preparation via engineered ancilla resetting
D. Alcalde Puente, F. Motzoi, T. Calarco, G. Morigi, and M. Rizzi
Quantum 8, 1299 (2024)

DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM)

The DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) will take place from Sunday 17.03.2024 to Friday 22.03.2024 in Berlin.

DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP)

The DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP)  will take place from Sunday 10.03.2024 to Monday 15.03.2024 in Freiburg.

Visit of Dr. Stefan Kühn and Dr. Mourad Halla (both CQTA Zeuthen)

Dr. Stefan Kühn and Dr. Mourad Halla (both CQTA Zeuthen) will visit us from Wednesday 06.03.2024 to Friday 08.03.2024.

Visit of Dr. Catalin Halati (University of Geneva)

Dr. Catalin Halati (University of Geneva) will visit us from Tuesday 05.12.2023 to Thursday 07.12.2023.

Workshop "Quantum Computers: from Basics to Compilers"

From November 29th till December 1st Saarland University hosts the workshop "Quantum Computers: from Basics to Compilers". The workshop is funded by the TRR306 QuCoLiMa. It is organized jointly as "Topical Days" of QuCoLiMa and as initiative of the "Saarbrücken-Jülich Graduate School on Quantum Information and Computing."

New article: Rise and fall of entanglement between two qubits in a non-Markovian bath

Rise and fall of entanglement between two qubits in a non-Markovian bath
S. Roy, C. Otto, R. Menu, and G. Morigi
Phys. Rev. A 108, 032205 (2023)

We congratulate B. Sc. Dong Zhang!

We congratulate B. Sc. Dong Zhang for the successful defence of his Bachelor thesis with the title "A simulation of the quantum Zeno effect".

Visit of Dr. Simon Jäger (TU Kaiserslautern)

Dr. Simon Jäger (TU Kaiserslautern) will visit us from Monday 24.07.2023 to Friday 28.07.2023.

Visit of Dr. Luigi Giannelli (University of Catania)

Dr. Luigi Giannelli (University of Catania) will visit us from Monday 24.07.2023 to Friday 28.07.2023.

Visit of Mr. Marc Nairn (Universität Tübingen)

Marc Nairn (Universität Tübingen) will visit us from Monday 24.07.2023 to Thursday 27.07.2023.

Visit of Prof. Dr. Beatriz Olmoz (Universität Tübingen)

Prof. Dr. Beatriz Olmoz (Universität Tübingen) will visit us from Monday 24.07.2023 to Tuesday 25.07.2023.

New article: Injection and nucleation of topological defects in the quench dynamics of the Frenkel-Kontorova model

Injection and nucleation of topological defects in the quench dynamics of the Frenkel-Kontorova model
O. Chelpanova, S. P. Kelly, G. Morigi, F. Schmidt-Kaler and J. Marino
EPL 143, 25002 (2023)

New article: Noise-induced network topologies

Noise-induced network topologies
F. Folz, K. Mehlhorn and G. Morigi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 267401 (2023)

We welcome Gage Harmon!

We welcome Gage Harmon who joins our group as a PhD student.

We welcome Dr. Anurag Pandey!

We welcome Dr. Anurag Pandey who joins our group as an University Assistant.

New article: Systematic Analysis of Crystalline Phases in Bosonic Lattice Models with Algebraically Decaying Density-Density Interactions

Systematic Analysis of Crystalline Phases in Bosonic Lattice Models with Algebraically Decaying Density-Density Interactions
J. A. Koziol, A. Duft, G. Morigi, K. P. Schmidt
SciPost Phys. 14, 136 (2023)

New article: Crafting the dynamical structure of synchronization by harnessing bosonic multi-level cavity QED

The paper "Crafting the dynamical structure of synchronization by harnessing bosonic multi-level cavity QED" has been published in Phys. Rev. Res. 5, 023112 (2023) and has been highlighted as Editors’ suggestion.

Visit of Josias Langbehn (Freie Universität Berlin)

Josias Langbehn (Freie Universität Berlin) will visit us from Monday 13.02.2023 to Tuesday 14.02.2023.

NiQ project meeting

The NiQ project meeting will take place on Tuesday, 10.01.2023 from 1pm to 4pm.

Visit of Mr. Mykolas Sveistrys (Freie Universität Berlin)

Mr. Mykolas Sveistrys (Freie Universität Berlin) will visit us from Tuesday 10.01.2023 to Wednesday 11.01.2023.

Visit of Mr. Daniel Alcalde and Prof. Matteo Rizzi (Forschungszentrum Jülich and Universität zu Koln)

Daniel Alcalde and Prof. Matteo Rizzi (Forschungszentrum Jülich and Universität zu Koln) will visit us from Monday 09.01.2023 to Tuesday 10.01.2023.

Visit of Dr. Karl Jansen (DESY, Zeuthen)

Dr. Karl Jansen (DESY, Zeuthen) will visit us from Monday 09.01.2023 to Tuesday 10.01.2023.

Visit of Dr. Catalin-Mihai Halati (University of Geneva)

Dr. Catalin-Mihai Halati (University of Geneva) will visit us from Monday 07.11.2022 to Tuesday 08.11.2022 and will give a talk on "Fluctuations and symmetry effects in many body self-organization in a dissipative cavity" on Tuesday at 9:15 am in room 4.18.

Visit of Dr. Jorge Yago Malo (University of Pisa)

Dr. Jorge Yago Malo (University of Pisa) will visit us from Monday 07.11.2022 to Wednesday 09.11.2022 and will give a talk on Wednesday at 10 am in room E.12.

Visit of Dr. Shamik Gupta (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India)

Dr. Shamik Gupta from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India will visit us from Thursday 03.11.2022 until Tuesday 29.11.2022 under his Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers. He will give a talk titled "Quantum unitary evolution interspersed with repeated non-unitary interactions at random times" on Tuesday, 22.11.2022, at 12:00 pm in Konferenzraum Informatik (Geb. E1.1, Room 407) under the QuCoLiMa platform.

Visit of Prof. Rosario Fazio (ICTP Trieste and University of Napoli)

Prof. Rosario Fazio (ICTP Trieste and University of Napoli) will visit us from Tuesday 18.10.2022 to Thursday 20.10.2022 and will give a lecture on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as part of the focus semester on quantum information. The program can be found here.

Visit of Prof. Vivien Kendon (University of Strathclyde) 

Prof. Vivien Kendon (University of Strathclyde) will visit us from Monday 17.10.2022 to Thursday 20.10.2022 and will give a lecture on Wednesday and Thursday as part of the focus semester on quantum information. The program can be found here.

New article: Quantum critical behavior of entanglement in lattice bosons with cavity-mediated long-range interactions

S. Sharma, S. B. Jäger, R. Kraus, T. Roscilde, and G. Morigi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 143001 (2022)
The paper was selected as Editor's suggestions.

Opening event of the focus semester on quantum information

On Monday, 26 September 2022, the opening of the Focus Semester on Quantum Information will take place at 14:00 in the Günther Hotz Lecture Hall (building E2 2). The president of the university, Prof. Schmitt will open the event and we will have a scientific talk by Tommaso Calarco, director at the Forschungszentrum Jülich. This talk is also the first colloquium of the Jülich-Saarbrücken Graduate School.

You can find more information here:

Opening Event of the Focus Semester on Quantum Information

Visit of Srijon Ghosh (Harish-Chandra Research Institute) 

Srijon Ghosh (Harish-Chandra Research Institute) will visit us from Friday 16.09.2022 to Monday 19.09.2022 and will give a talk on Monday with the title "Designing of quantum thermal machines" in room 4.28 in building E2 6.

New article: Fluorescence calorimetry of an ion crystal

Marvin Gajewski, Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Walter Hahn, Christoph E. Düllmann, Dmitry Budker, Giovanna Morigi, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. A 106, 033108 (2022)

New article: Bond order via cavity-mediated interactions

Bond order via cavity-mediated interactions
Titas Chanda, Rebecca Kraus, Jakub Zakrzewski, and Giovanna Morigi
Phys. Rev. B 106, 075137 (2022)

New article: Lindblad Master Equations for Quantum Systems Coupled to Dissipative Bosonic Modes

Lindblad Master Equations for Quantum Systems Coupled to Dissipative Bosonic Modes
Simon B. Jäger, Tom Schmit, Giovanna Morigi, Murray J. Holland, and Ralf Betzholz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 063601 – Published 2 August 2022

New article: Quantum phases of dipolar bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices

Quantum phases of dipolar bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices
R. Kraus, T. Chanda, J. Zakrzewski, G. Morigi
Phys. Rev. B 106, 035144 (2022)

We welcome Dr. Grecia Guijarro!

We welcome Dr. Grecia Guijarro who joins our group as a Postdoc.

New article: Reservoir-engineering shortcuts to adiabaticity

Reservoir-engineering shortcuts to adiabaticity
Raphaël Menu, Josias Langbehn, Christiane P. Koch, Giovanna Morigi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033005 (2022) - Published 5 July 2022

Visit of Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch (Freie Universität Berlin) 

Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch (Freie Universität Berlin) will visit us on Tuesday 28.06.2022.

Visit of Dr. Mateusz Lacki (Krakow University) 

Dr. Mateusz Lacki (Krakow University) will visit us from Monday 27.06.2022 to 29.06.2022 and will give a talk on Monday with the title "Dark state potentials and bands for ultracold atoms" in room 4.18 in building E2 6.

Visit of Josias Langbehn (Freie Universität Berlin) 

Josias Langbehn (Freie Universität Berlin) will visit us from Monday 27.06.2022 to Tuesday 28.06.2022 and will give a talk at 14:00 in room E11 in building E2 6.

Visit of Dr. Karl Jansen (DESY Zeuthen) 

Dr. Karl Jansen (DESY Zeuthen) will visit us from Monday 30.05.2022 to Tuesday 31.05.2022 .

Start of the BMBF project "NiQ: Noise in Quantum Algorithms"

Start of the BMBF project "NiQ: Noise in Quantum Algorithms".

We welcome Emma King!

We welcome Emma King who joins our group as a PhD student.

New article: Entanglement in the quantum Game of Life

Entanglement in the quantum Game of Life
P.-M. Ney, S. Notarnicola, S. Montangero, G. Morigi
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062607 (2022)

We congratulate B. Sc. Robin Krill!

We congratulate B. Sc. Robin Krill for the successful defence of his Bachelor thesis with the title "Superradianz und Synchronisation".

New article: Retrieval of single photons from solid-state quantum transducers

Retrieval of single photons from solid-state quantum transducers
T. Schmit, L. Giannelli, A. S. Sørensen, and G. Morigi
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062607 (2021)

We congratulate Dr. Timo Felser!

We congratulate Dr. Timo Felser for the successful defence of his PhD thesis with the title "Tree-Tensor Networks for high-dimensional quantum systems and beyond" which he did at Saaland University and University of Padua.

New article: Interplay of periodic dynamics and noise: Insights from a simple adaptive system

Interplay of periodic dynamics and noise: Insights from a simple adaptive system
F. Folz, K. Mehlhorn and G. Morigi
Phys. Rev. E 104, 054215 (2021)

Visit of Dr. Claudiu Genes (MPI of Light, Erlangen) 

Dr. Claudiu Genes (MPI of Light, Erlangen) will visit us from Monday 15.11.2021 to Tuesday 16.11.2021 .

Visit of Mr. Jan Alexander Koziol

We welcome Jan Alexander Koziol. Jan visits us from 07.11 to the 10.11 and will give a talk with the title "Ground-state properties of the Boson-Hubbard model on triangular lattice bilayer systems" in our group seminar.

Summer School and Annual Meeting of the  CRC-TRR306 QuCoLiMa in Erlangen

Erlangen, 10-15 October 2021: Summer school and Annual Meeting of the CRC-TRR 306 QuCoLiMa

We congratulate Dr. Rebecca Kraus!

We congratulate Dr. Rebecca Kraus for the successful defence of her PhD thesis with the title "Quantum phases of interacting bosons in optical lattices".

New article: Self-organized topological insulator due to cavity-mediated correlated tunneling

Self-organized topological insulator due to cavity-mediated correlated tunneling
T. Chanda, R. Kraus, G. Morigi, and J. Zakrzewski
Quantum 5, 501 (2021)

July-September 2021: Visit of Mr. Marko Wojtkowiak

We welcome Marko Wojtkowiak. Marko joins our group for 6 weeks as internship student from University College, London.

About us

Our group is part of the Saarland University, located in Saarbrücken, Germany. Saarbrücken is a major city of the SaarLorLux region, and capital of the German state of Saarland. It has become a renowned centre of science, hosting several universities and research institutes and facilities (the Saarland University, the University of Applied Sciences, two Max Planck Institutes - just to name a few), giving it the flavor of a typical university and research town.

More information about the city can be found at the city's official website (also in French, and German).

How to get here

By train:

Saarbrücken is connected to the Deutsche Bahn's (German Railways) ICE and IC/EC high-speed network. Saarbrücken Central Station [Saarbrücken Hbf - Hauptbahnhof] runs several daily services to Paris and Frankfurt (less than 2 hours long), and to other cities in eastern France (Metz, Strasbourg, Nancy), western/southern Germany (Kaiserslautern, Trier, Mainz, Mannheim, Karlsruhe), and Luxembourg.

For more information see the Deutsche Bahn website.

By plane:

  • The Saarbrücken-Ensheim Airport (SCN) is about 15 km / 9 mi from the city center. From there the city center can be reached by local bus (the R 10 line) or simply by taxi.
  • The Frankfurt Airport (FRA) (the biggest airport in Germany, located in Frankfurt am Main), is about 170 km / 105 mi from Saarbrücken. Using public transportation, it is a direct trip (approx. 2 hours) by train from the Frankfurt Airport Regional Station [Frankfurt (Main) Flughafen Regionalbahnhof] to the Saarbrücken Central Station.
  • The Luxembourg Findel Airport (LUX) is about 100 km / 62 mi from Saarbrücken. It is possible to reach Saarbrücken via Luxembourg's Central Station [Luxembourg Gare Centrale], which can be reached by a frequent 25-minute bus ride. Then there are several trains serving Saarbrücken, although at the moment the most convenient way is to take a bus: a 1h 15min direct trip to Saarbrücken Hbf.
  • Paris two major airports, Roissy/Charles de Gaulle (CDG) and Orly (ORY), are well connected to the Parisian public transport network by metro and bus (more information can be found in the Airports of Paris website). It is possible to reach Paris Est/Gare de l'Est, the SNCF train station where the trains to/from Saarbrücken depart/arrive, in approx. one hour. Then it is a two-hour straight trip by train.
  • The Frankfurt-Hahn Airport (HNN) is about 110 km / 69 mi from Saarbrücken. Using public transportation, currently it is only possible to reach Saarbrücken from there taking a service bus to a nearby city (Trier, Idar-Oberstein or Mannheim) and then catching a train to the Saarbrücken Central Station. More information here.

Local transportation - How to get to the university

The city of Saarbrücken is served by a comprehensive network of public transportation. If you are trying to reach the main campus of Saarland University, you can do so by local bus. The three bus stops (Haltestelle) on campus are Universität Campus, Universität Mensa, and Universität busterminal.

  • If you are coming from Saarbrücken Central Station, you can take the buses 102, 112 and 124 from the Saarbrücken Hbf bus stop.
  • If you are coming from University Guest Houses on the East part of town (on Hasseler Weg or Kaiserslauterner Straße), you can take the line 136 from the bus stops Stadion Kieselhumes or Zweibrücker Straße.
  • If you are coming from the University Guest Houses or the hotels in the city center, you can take the buses 101, 102, 109, 111 (typically from the bus stops Johanneskirche and Haus der Zukunft), and 112, 124 (from Haus der Zukunft).
  • If you are coming from the Dudweiler area, you can take the buses 101, 102, 136, 138 and 163 - typically from the Hermann Löns Straße bus stop.

Here you can download a map of the city with further information (~5Mb). Here you can check the bus schedule and get further information on the SaarBahn&Bus serving Saarbrücken. Here you can download a complete map with all the SaarBahn&Bus lines (~10Mb). If you have trouble downloading this file, please try also downloading the Liniennetz-Plan file here.

How to find us!

Our offices are located in the East area of the main (Saarbrücker) campus (buildings E2), more precisely in the E2.6 building (Gebäude E2.6). Here you can find an interactive map (Interaktiver Lageplan des Saarbrücker Campus) of the university campus, and here you can download a map with further indications to reach us.