Welcome to the Department of English at Saarland University!
We offer a wide range of teaching and research activities, covering all genres and all periods from the middle ages to the present.
Our teaching and writing concern literary and cultural studies, English linguistics with a special emphasis on spoken language, and media studies. The department combines—and offers modules and certificate programs in—the following disciplines and perspectives:
Study/Time Abroad
All of our study programs include a compulsory study/time abroad component. Find more information on the study/time abroad requirement here.
Degree programs:
(If you have any questions about the requirements and application procedure for our programs, please send an email to studium(at)uni-saarland.de or call the following hotline: +49 681 302-5491.)
We offer the following programs:
BA program "English: Linguistics, Literatures, and Cultures (Bachelor)" (as major or minor subject, a second subject is required in this dual-subject degree program)
Information about our Masters program for prospective students
Find more information about our Masters program "American Studies/British Studies/English Linguistics" (as major or minor subject in our dual-subject degree or as single-subject degree) at the university's Master Portal.
Find out more in these videos:
Watch this video introduction to our department and our Master's degree courses of study
M.A. American Studies/British Studies/English Linguistics at Saarland University (helpful info.)
The full range of Lehramt degrees for prospective schoolteachers (Lehramt für die Sekundarstufe 1 und für die Sekundarstufe 2 [Gymnasien und Gemeinschaftsschulen], Lehramt für die Sekundarstufe 1 [Klassenstufen 5-10], and Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen)
A comprehensive list of study programs we are involved in can be found under "Your Studies".

Department Writing Center:
The department maintains its own Writing Center, which is open to not only students of English at the UdS but also learners from all disciplines. Visit the Writing Center home page for more information.
Statement: War in Ukraine 2022
Zum Angriff auf die Ukraine
Die Fachrichtung Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Anglophone Kulturen zeigt sich entsetzt über den Angriff der Russischen Föderation auf die Ukraine, der die gesamte Ukraine mit brutaler Härte trifft, und verurteilt die Aggression auf das Schärfste. [...]
The Department of English is appalled by the attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine, which has brutally hit the entire country. We strongly condemn the aggression. [...]
Akkreditierter Studiengang: UdS-Qualitätspass
Bei Fragen zum Datenschutz weist die Fachrichtung Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Anglophone Kulturen auf die Datenschutz-Richtlinien bzw. -Erklärung der Universität des Saarlandes hin. Auf diese Infos kann man auch von jeder beliebigen Seite unseres Internet-Auftritts durch ein Klick auf "Datenschutz" im Footer gelangen (siehe unten).