Studying and work placements at Saarland University
Exchange programmes
An exchange programme offers the simplest way to spend a semester or two studying at Saarland University: You could come from one of our partner universities, or as a student from one of the programme or partner countries within the EU's Erasmus+ scheme. You might have received funding from the DAAD to take part in a German language course or for a study-abroad period. Alternatively, you might be coming as an exchange student, a 'free mover' or as a scholarship holder from a non-European country. Whichever path you take to get here, you can be sure of an ideal environment for study and first-rate supervision.
Studying for a full degree at Saarland University
International students at Saarland University enjoy the benefits of small learning groups, excellent supervision and personal contact to academic staff. International applicants can study for a Bachelor's or Master's degree in any of the subjects available, with the possibility of continuing on after graduation to complete a doctoral degree. All of our Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes are officially accredited.
Work placements for international students
Grundsätzlich können internationale Studierende aus dem europäischen und dem nicht-europäischen Ausland ein Praktikum an einem Lehrstuhl, einer Forschungseinrichtung, in der Verwaltung der Universität oder in einer Universitätsklinik auf dem Campus Homburg absolvieren. Wichtigste Voraussetzung ist, einen Praktikumsplatz zu finden, der zum gewünschten Thema passt.
International Office
Head: Johannes Abele
Office: Simone Hehr
Phone: +49 681 302-71100